HELP ASAP: severely homeless trans rape victim

HELP ASAP: severely homeless trans rape victim

From Lanae Rodriguez

tldr: i've been struggling against severe and chronic homelessness and all the complications associated with that lifestyle since may 2023, with an additional prior homelessness last year around october 2022 that prec...

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trans BPOC struggling against chronic homelessness, any help is appreciated

i'm tired of living like this, but can't seem to catch a break. as of 12/2023 i've been registered in a live-in shelter in my city with an indefinite/unlimited but non-permanent time within which i can stay here, utilize the facilities, and be directed to further progress by their social work team. ultimately i am looking to get into a longer-term fully-permanent stable housing situation via programs available in this city/state such as subsidized housing placement, job trainings & placement, & long-term disability financing, because i no longer think it would be in my best interests to have my entire material safety in real life hinge upon whether or not i can perform mental&physical health good enough long enough to never be homeless again. i'm breaking down mentally and physically now too at this point, and if i am for any reason unable to consistently maintain employment, then there goes my hard-earned stability once i start having no money again lol. so to that effect i'll be attempting to get on as many benefits as can be applied to me in order to make sure i'm in as stable of a situation as i can be considering everything.

i estimate that by the end of 12 full months of being homeless i'll have made enough progress via such programs that i could safely no longer be considered homeless or unstably housed. 

so yeah, moving forward, here's what i'd love

some help:

the total amount for my goal funding is set at $6,000. the reason for that is as follows: i've tried to set a amount that would work as a couple months' worth of emergency savings. the majority of this money will go Directly to an untouched savings account that i won't be able to access unless it's a legitimate emergency of some kind, God forbid.

my goals are clear-cut and i am focused on them seriously; get into & maintain my own apartment via a rapid rehousing program facilitated by in-state social workers, complete my GED, enter college, & ultimately move to canada to be with my boyfriend, and getting a job as a developer eventually, and maybe eventually pursuing some kind of post-college degree in psychology after that.

specific things i need money for:

- paperwork: 

- - ~~state ID ($15)~~

- - birth certificate ($15)

- - any other legal documents i'd need to be updating or changing for some fee. i'd like to get spare copies of my legal identification papers so that i'm not ever struggling to identify myself should my main documents be stolen again, so despite that the social workers in various programs have helped get me an initial replacement, any additional copies or any future replacements, i'll be needing to pay for personally.

- my monthly phone bill: $60 every 2nd of the month or so.

- toilet paper

- clothes for working &/ going to school

- transportation: i need a city bus pass, which here costs $75/mo for an unlimited pass good for a full month.

- a budget for regularly doing laundry at the laundromat, including getting my own soap.

- the vitamins/supplements/medications that i need to be taking to keep my mental and physical health stable for the time being. i suffer from chronic migraines as well as unidentified chronic pain in my lower body that sometimes makes it difficult to function at all, so i run through painkillers quickly.

- HRT ASAP: a copay will be needed even with my insurance. through [Plume](, this could be around or above $99/mo.

- changing my legal name & gender marker: a process that can cost between $380-500 for the court proceedings, and an additional $35 for all involved updated identification documents.

- an actually well-functioning laptop for both important personal use cases as well as eventual work or school needs. there are a few options for laptops i know would fit my utility function, listed on my [gift list here](

- [**urgent, time-sensitive**]: my family's entire collection of years worth of personal valuables and other such necessary belongings are **currently trapped in multiple storage units.** my father is the only one who works[^1], but he is recovering on temporary disability from his work due to multiple diabetic complications needing surgical attention. they too are pretty much completely dead broke and longterm chronic strugglers trying to get back on their feet again. **but anyway! if we do not *backpay the unpaid overdue bills on those 3 storage units*, which was formerly 4, THEY WILL SELL ALL OUR BELONGINGS. WE HAD 4 UNITS BEFORE BECOMING HOMELESS, AND ONE OF THOSE HAS RECENTLY *ALREADY BEEN TAKEN FROM US BY THE STORAGE COMPANY FOR AUCTIONING BECAUSE WE DID NOT PAY THEM*. WE NEED THAT STUFF BACK ASAP & *as of NOVEMBER 2023 WE DONT HAVE IT YET*.**

- completing my GED ($60); two modules of the GED Test which are uncompleted and need to be paid for so that i can go to take the test irl, and thus have fully passed and get my GED, which will further my work and schooling plans

aside from that, any extra non-savings funds will be for immediate and practical needs exclusively; it will all be strictly budgeted and not frivolously used on silly shit that will not help me.

i'm actually not doing so great on on casual clothes, but i can possibly get some if anything from local homeless resources. i can get some food from homeless resources + from my in-state EBT benefits when i reapply for them because they seem to have been cancelled entirely, etcetera. i'm not on the streets for right now, but that's because i had to return to living with my queerphobic christian parents and we are All actually homeless right now lol, so we live in a shelter in this city that we just got into as of 12/01/2023, prior to that we lived within the building of the xtian cult that they go to church at, which was fairly awful.

so, yeah.

i have a [crowdfunding campaign](, as well as [a wishlist with priority necessities from you can purchase any specific item to be sent directly to me anonymously](, and also a [cashapp]($reincarnatedpdf), venmo, and a crypto wallet address managed by my partner [xormetric]( who would then pass the money along to me via fiat. i also now have my own cryptocurrency wallet, and you can send me money directly by first DMing me on my twitter to let me know you're going to do it, then sending a tiny tiny test amount to make sure it goes thru, waiting for me to reply and confirm it actually happened correctly, then sending the full amount. my wallet is at This Address: 0x2Bde34aDc6719905bE53D74f94E7c586903Eb043

anything at all helps; dont feel pressured if you truly arent able to help, but if you have Any amount of money you can safely spare to help me with, i would appreciate you forever. 

please help me achieve stability. i am so fucking tired. thank you for reading, i hope the world improves for us all in the end.

wrt my family's finances, my dad's checks from the temporary disability suck ass on some real shit AND the EBT they get for our 4 person family does not actually cover me Or my mother (she's too senior in age to be included in the application apparently, and i separate myself from them as my own household bc i'm not tryna stick around like all that lol), btw. so ultimately i need to take care of my own financial needs, and the shelter we live in does not finance anything for us personally as a group either.

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