Housing Emergency Fund

Housing Emergency Fund

From Patrice Watts

"Hi, I'm Patrice, a single mom facing a sudden housing crisis. Seeking your support to provide stability for my family. Your kindness makes a huge difference. Thank you. -Patrice"

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"Hello everyone, Asking for help is never easy. Our sudden and challenging housing situation has left us in need of assistance. I'm Patrice, a single mother of two wonderful children, reaching out with a humble heart and a hopeful spirit, seeking support to provide stability and a safe haven for my family." 

Life as a single parent comes with its own set of challenges, and recently, my family faced an unexpected and heartbreaking setback. The home we had lived in for seven years, sold by the owner, leaving us with no choice but to abruptly move out. 

This sudden change has left us in a precarious situation, scrambling to find a new place to call home. With the cost of living on the rise and landlords requiring income of 3X the rent, securing a new home has become increasingly difficult. 

I am determined to create a better life for my children, but I need your help to make that possible. I am seeking to raise funds to $10,000 to cover the necessary expenses associated with moving into a new apartment. These funds will be used for: 

Security deposit, first and last month’s rent, and Broker's fees. Raising my credit score to improve my chances of securing housing. Providing food to friends who generously lend a hand during the move. Transportation and moving costs, including a U-Haul rental and vehicle expenses. 

Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a significant difference in our lives. Every dollar donated will go directly toward helping us establish a stable home environment where my children can thrive.

"In addition to your financial support, I am also committed to doing my part. Despite residing in temporary accommodations, I am diligently working full-time and saving every penny to establish a safety net for my family." Furthermore, I am pursuing a Medical Degree to ensure a brighter future and financial stability for us all. 

 Your kindness and generosity will not be forgotten. With your help, I believe we can overcome this obstacle and build a better future together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering supporting my family during this challenging time. 

Warm regards, Patrice

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