DreamCenter Leadership School

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DreamCenter Leadership School

From Jennibelle Stringham

The support financially, through prayer, and emotionally, will allow me to attend the Dream Center Leadership School where I will spend everyday serving the community and building relationships.

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 Some of you may remember a few years ago when I spent one week at The Dream Center. This was a short-term mission trip I served on with some of my friends. From the moment I stepped into that campus I could feel God moving and lives changing. I was so inspired by the cross-cultural ministry I got to play a small role in, that it encouraged me to apply to where I am currently serving, The Dominican Republic. While this opportunity has been incredible and allowed me to grow so much, it is sadly coming to an end. When thinking about my next steps I knew I didn't want to give up ministry, but I also knew I wanted some sort of education.I am so grateful to have been accepted to The Dream Center Leadership School. As my partners, friends, family, sisters and brothers in Christ, I would love to take the time to share this information with you. 

The Dream Center welcomes individuals, families, and communities in need into its embrace, offering resources, training, and support free of charge, irrespective of faith, age, gender, orientation, nationality, or any other defining factor. With over 80 Dream Centers in the DC Network and as many as 120 centers inspired by the Los Angeles Dream Center, the ripple effect of transformation initiated by this organization is felt far and wide. Since its inception in 1994, the Dream Center, a faith-based non-profit organization located in Echo Park, Los Angeles, has been committed to transforming lives and underserved communities across the city.

The Dream Center Leadership School is dedicated to equipping and empowering gospel-centered leaders who play a pivotal role in shaping culture and effecting lasting change. Our program is designed to offer a transformative experience for young leaders, not only impacting local churches but also influencing faith communities worldwide with the presence of strong, well-trained gospel-centered leaders.

Students enrolled in our program benefit from a comprehensive curriculum that combines spiritual and academic development, alongside personalized mentorship. They actively engage in serving inner-city communities through a variety of outreach services provided by the Dream Center. Additionally, students have the opportunity to connect with a network of like-minded individuals who share their passion for making a positive difference in the world.

Your financial partnership is crucial in supporting the integral growth of every student leader at the Dream Center Leadership School. Your contribution will provide experiences, resources, and access to necessary and recreational facilities, ensuring that these leaders are equipped to make a meaningful impact in their communities and beyond. Some of you have been generous enough to support me financially through my current mission. I pray and ask for that support to continue. I am in the works of figuring out donation websites, budgeting, and all the nitty-gritty details. 

I am so blessed to be supported by the network of family and friends I have, and cannot wait to step into this next season of life with you all. 

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