This struggle is real

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Around 3 years ago, I moved to North West Arkansas with my now 8 year old son. I drove my Fiat from VA to AR, and have never really looked back. 2 years ago, this month, my then mechanic and his helper were supposed to do a clutch job on my Fiat, where they did $4500 on it instead. They blew the BCM, the PCM, and yanked out wires in the engine compartment.  I got a used car, and went on my way. 6 months later, in the worst of summer, the AC went out. I continued working through the heat, and the chill of winter, as a gig driver. At the beginning of last year, I purchased a vehicle...and, again, the heat and ac went out. I need a decent car with a working ac and heat. I work out of my car. I can't do no heat this year. Anything helps.

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