Kelly Strong

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Dear friends, family, and kind-hearted individuals,

As many of you know, our dear friend Kelly Graver has received a diagnosis of thyroid cancer and has recently found out that the tumor has grown to the size of a lime and also spread to her lymph nodes.  

With this news, Kelly must have an urgent surgery to remove the cancer and get back on the road to health. This surgery isn't just about removing the cancer; it's about Kelly's life and future. While the surgery itself is covered by insurance, Kelly will need continuous medical care that is not covered by insurance such as home health care support to help with cooking, cleaning, or even getting to doctor's appointments. Think of the peace of mind it would bring, letting her focus all her energy on healing.

The news hit us all hard, but Kelly, true to her character, faces it with unwavering optimism and the same spirit that always brings laughter and sunshine wherever she goes.

As Kelly shared so powerfully, "Cancer has a way of turning our lives upside down… It challenges us physically, emotionally, spiritually. But I have come to realize that in times of hardship, it is the strength of our community that can make all the difference."

That's where you, our amazing friends and family, come in. We've set up a fundraising campaign with a goal of at least $25,000 to cover six months of unfunded expenses that are also not covered by insurance.  

Why six months of support needed?  

Kelly also has an underlying health condition called "Ehlers Danlos Syndrome".  It is a genetic connective tissue disorder which means that it takes longer for her body to heal from injury. We want her to focus on healing, knowing she has the support of her community for daily tasks.

Why donate and share?

Every donation, big or small, brings us closer to the goal.  Even sharing this campaign with your networks can make a huge difference. This isn't just about money; it's about showing Kelly the incredible love and support that surrounds her. Let's show her that she's not alone in this fight. 

In Kelly's words: "Your belief in me and your willingness to stand by my side…" Every contribution, every kind word, and every act of compassion will be etched in my heart forever.  Your belief in me and your willingness to stand by my side during this challenging time will be a constant reminder that I am not alone in this fight."

Please, donate what you can and share this campaign with everyone you know. Together, we can make a world of difference for Kelly.

Questions?  How to contact us…

While Kelly would like to speak with each one of you herself, she has asked that we help with communicating any details or answer any questions you have during this time on her behalf.  As you can imagine, she is reserving her energy and time for the surgery and healing process.  If you have any questions or would like to discuss how Kelly is doing, please feel free to reach out to us with the below contact information:

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!

With love and hope...Kevin, Lisa, Nick, Raphaela, Rich, Eric.

P.S. If you can't donate, sharing the campaign is a HUGE help! Let's spread the word and get Kelly the support she needs.

Together, we are Kelly's strength!#KellyStrong #TeamKelly #FightThyroidCancer

Where will my donated funds go?  At the end of the campaign, the donated funds will be sent from the online campaign provider,, to Lumerald LLC as agent for the Kelly Graver Special Needs Trust which will pay for qualified disability expenses according to Trust terms, federal and state regulations.  Please note that your donation is not considered tax-deductible under IRS code 501(c).

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