Recovery for Jamel

Recovery for Jamel

From Charity Joyner

Jamel is a hardworking, loving father of two who was critically injured when a coworker shot him 8 times on the evening of Friday August 28th, 2015. He is a fighter and survived but we need your help!

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Update #12

over 8 years ago

1-25-16 - Last Update!

First of all, to those who donated thank you all so much!! The campaign is over but even though we didn't reach our goal, this has really helped him alot and I'll leave it up for anyone who wants to donate in the future. Thank you all again!! Your thoughts, prayers and donations have really been a blessing.

Jamel's final surgery had been postponed until this month but he finally had it on Weds 1/20 and is out of the hospital and doing well. Right now he's on pain meds and everything is looking good so far on his end. He's well on his way back to 100% and I'm really thankful God has been with him through this whole ordeal. His doctors, nurses and the staff there have been really great and I was very impressed with the care he received up to this point. He's come such a long way!

Please continue to share this link and reach out.
- Charity

Contact me at [email protected]

More Info

Jamel is a hardworking, loving father of two who was critically injured when a coworker shot him 8 times on the evening of Friday August 28th, 2015. His friend Brandon was also shot during the same attack. By the grace of God he survived the attack but sustained extensive injuries and a has long road to recovery. Family members are asking for donations to help pay for his medical expenses as well as his long term care and family expenses during this difficult time. 

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #13

1-25-16 - Last Update!

First of all, to those who donated thank you all so much!! The campaign is over but even though we didn't reach our goal, this has really helped him alot and I'll leave it up for anyone who wants to donate in the future. Thank you all again!! Your thoughts, prayers and donations have really been a blessing.

Jamel's final surgery had been postponed until this month but he finally had it on Weds 1/20 and is out of the hospital and doing well. Right now he's on pain meds and everything is looking good so far on his end. He's well on his way back to 100% and I'm really thankful God has been with him through this whole ordeal. His doctors, nurses and the staff there have been really great and I was very impressed with the care he received up to this point. He's come such a long way!

Please continue to share this link and reach out.
- Charity

Contact me at [email protected]

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #12

Jamel at 100% before the incident - The Goal!

11/15/15 - Time has really flew, only a few more weeks now till Jamel has his surgery on Dec 1! This is another major surgery and we are really praying everything will go well for him. His sciatica is slowly improving, walking is still very painful but has gone from debilitating to mostly excruciating so that's something. Everyday he works hard doing re-hab exercises and keeping his leg and body in the game, it's just a complication he's working with that'ill only improve with time. I'm just glad it's not a permanent condition. Before all this happened he was a superb athlete, did MMA and I'm hopeful to see him get back to that.

Thank you all who donated this month, your contributions help more than you know!! Please pray that his surgery in Dec goes well for him!

- Charity

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #11

Hi everyone. Well, got some good and bad news to update.. The good being that the person who shot Jamel and his friend that night had turned himself in and is in police custody! We're so grateful to God the shooter is off the streets and we'll have a chance to see justice. The bad news is that although Jamel's been doing much better -back to a regular diet and he sounding like his old self- He's been having some really bad sciatica in his leg from the nerve pain due to one of the areas he was shot. This nerve affecting him so happens to be the largest one in the body. From what I understand, even though it wasn't directly damaged, the nerves in that area still tremor on occasion as they're healing which can be both excruciating and debilitating. Jamel said it feels like thousands of sharp stabs starting at the hip and going down his entire leg. Some have compared it to a jellyfish wrapped around a nerve and stinging..ouch!

Right now the doctors put him on pain meds which is helping. It's just hard as he is basically learning to walk normal again.

Please keep him in your prayers for a full recovery and that he'll be good for his next surgery.

- We didn't meet our goal for September, but thank you all who donated so far! We hit 10%! Some have asked about Paypal which is [email protected] if you're more comfortable with Paypal. From our family to yours have a great weekend.

- Charity

*photo Jamel and friend at grocery store*

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #10

9/15/15 - Jamel had 4 doctor appointments on Tues. He got his catheter removed as well as the stitches that ran up his belly. He also got more pain meds and meds for the tingling and numbness in his leg. Doctors said that his bladder had healed beautifully but they are still being watchful he doesn't get an infection.

- I reduced the goal today from 15,000 to 5,000 to help meet his shorterm needs. Some of Jamel's hospital bills were looked over on Tues and he is just over 182,000 right now, however we don't know which insurances will pay what portions until later down the road. In the meantime Jamel may not be able to return to work for 6 to 10 months, but 5k will be enough to sustain him in bills, personal needs and hospital supplies for at least three months while he waits for his upcoming surgery in Dec. We already reached $500 in a few weeks time! (Thank you!!) and I'm hoping for at least $1,600 in total by the end of this month which would get him through October.

We are so grateful for the outpour of prayers for healing and support so far!

*photo Jamel enjoying lunch - a turkey burger with lemonade* And no, the burger didn't stand a chance.

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #9

9/8/15 - Jamel was discharged from the hospital today!
It was a little over a week ago today that I first got the news he had been shot, and I never could've imagine how swiftly God would work to heal him, so after all that he's been through this feels like such a great victory!

- You may have heard the expression "Get the ball rolling" well, my Army veteran brother Jamel has this famous quote that he loves to illustrate readiness: "BALL GAME!" It's always BALL GAME with him. I haven't heard him say that since his hospital stay, so when I spoke with him last night after hearing of his progress, I kind of blurted out BALL GAME! in a failed effort to imitate his confident, almost demanding tone. We both knew my version wasn't the same though...thankfully he chuckled off my silliness stating that we're "not quite there yet".. But just to hear him in good spirits made me so very thankful to be sharing a story of endurance and survival of this extraordinary father, brother and human being in the Present
tense and not the past.

He has another evaluation in December, but for now at least he is well enough to continue his recovery at home near loved ones.

Thank you for your prayers and continued support! (Passed $300 mark, you guys are awesome!)

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #8

9/5/15 - Father, Son..and Saturday morning cartoons :)

Jamel was able to walk without the assist of his walker today. He had jello and could go home as soon as next week!

Everyday is a new challenge but we appreciate your thoughts and prayers as God's hands are really working to bring him a speedy recovery.

And as always thanks so much to those who donated, you guys are awesome! He has a ways to go before we hit 15k, but it's because of your generosity and compassion that we've already passed the $250 mark! Please continue to share, as we believe we can meet his goal so that he can focus on healing and family needs instead of finances. Micro donations are welcome as well! If everyone who saw this page gave $1.50 we could meet our goal in no time!

Happy Labor Day weekend :)

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #7

9/3/15 - Jamel Celebrates his son's birthday with family and friends.

Thanks for your continued support!

*photos courtesy Cindy Cropp

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #6

9/3/15 - Jamel had a very rough night last night, both physically and mentally. But this morning was a little better, and he did his routine walk. His body is adjusting as he is still on IV and pain medication with minimal fuild consumption.

I'm so proud of how far my brother has come and how he puts on a brave face for us everyday. Love you Jamel!

A special thanks to his girlfriend Cindy, mother of his kids who has been a complete Godsend, keeping by his side everyday in loving encouragement, helping him and providing all the images and updates for us. We're grateful for the videos and pics by friends as well.

And of course a huge thanks to those who donated so far, it may not seem like much but the $235 has already been allotted towards some finances and we'd love to get where he can be worry free of any hospital bills. I believe that through your prayers, shares and generosity we can meet that goal!

- Charity

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #4

9/2/15 - Great news, Jamel is doing very well and was cleared to drink clear liquids today! We are so grateful to God for every day that he's getting stronger and more independent. He's on pain meds and blood thinner to prevent clotting but overall has been making excellent progress and could be out of the hospital as soon as a week! Thankful to God and thankful for your prayers and support.

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #3

9/1/15 - The bullet wound on his arm is healing well and doesn't need to be covered anymore.

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #2

9/1/15 - Due to the intestinal injuries he sustained from being shot multiple times in his abdomen, Jamel's intestines had been in shock from the trauma and he has undergone multiple surgeries involving intestinal work. But this morning we are glad to report that his intestines had finally "woken up" and are now functioning, pushing his stomach fluids again. So doctors and nurses were able to remove the long tube that ran thru his nose to his stomach and Removing it means that he's one step closer to being able to drink fluids!

Your continued prayers and support mean so much to him and his family. We are so grateful for your prayers and donations given so far.

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Charity Joyner posted a new update:
over 8 years ago

Update #1

8/31/15. Doctors and nurses worked with Jamel to get him to stand for the first time since his hospitalization. He is still sore but made it from his bed to a chair twice and is doing very well.

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