Jill's Heart Health

Recent Updates

Update #1

almost 3 years ago

Your donations, along with some outside donations from family, have brought me to my goal!!! I have placed the order for the bike/exercise machine, and I'm SO excited!! It will take 3-4 weeks to arrive. I hope to share pictures of me using it once I have it. I want to THANK each and every one of you who donated!! Without you, this would not be a possibility for me!! I am so very thankful for your generosity and support, and I look forward to seeing how this will affect my health and life in positive ways!! Thank you and God bless you!

More Info

Because of some persistent medical issues with high blood pressure, which has now caused some heart disease, as well as my ongoing disability of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, I am in need of having a way to exercise regularly at home.  Having periodic physical therapy does not give me what I need on an ongoing basis.  Doing some exercise regularly is crucial at this point, to help me get blood pressure under control, so that hopefully I can come off at least some of the 4 medications I'm on for it, as well as to help poor circulation in my legs and feet, and limited mobility.  Of course, exercise and a healthy weight are huge factors in having a healthy heart and controlling blood pressure.  Also, as I get older, my arthritis has progressed and my muscles are getting a lot weaker, so this bike will also allow me to hopefully build a little strength and increase some mobility (range of motion).  I have tried other pieces of equipment, but they do not allow me to maintain anything, because they are too hard to use.  I have very limited range of motion in my joints, including hips and knees, which has caused contractures. This means my joints are stuck in bent positions.  Most equipment has too big of a range of motion, so my legs can't do it.  I have tried this machine and it has a smaller and gentler movement, which my legs are able to handle.  Physical therapy is not something I can maintain over the long haul, as it's only covered for short periods of time and not easy for my caregivers to maintain at home.  

If I want any way of doing some regular exercise, this piece of equipment is the best way to do it.  It's extremely expensive, but it's the only thing that will allow me to gain some strength and mobility, hopefully lose a little weight, and help me in my main goal of having a healthier heart and blood pressure.  Several recent emergency visits have shown me how crucial this is and have made it a priority.  

Brand new, the Motomed Viva 2 costs around $7,000.  However, I hope to find a used one in good condition, which will be anywhere from $3,000 - $5,000.  So my goal for this fundraiser is $5,000.  If I raise more than I need for this piece of equipment, I will put it toward any of the available accessories that would make it easier and more comfortable to use, or I would use it towards a special scale that would allow me to track my weight.  As a wheelchair user, it is almost impossible to find a scale to weigh myself.  It can't even be done at the doctor's office.  It has to be a chair scale, which is usually only found in nursing homes.  There is a scale attachment I could get that would attach to the lift system I use at home for transfers.  

Any amount at all will help me in my goals to become healthier and stronger!  I believe this life is a gift from God, and I want to do all I can do to maintain the best health possible!  That is much harder to do with a painful, limiting disability and as a wheelchair user, but it can be done!  I just need a little help.  :)  

THANK YOU to each and every one who is able to donate!  Also please share with friends and family!  Thank you and God bless!!

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Jill Oosterbaan posted a new update:
almost 3 years ago

Update #1

Your donations, along with some outside donations from family, have brought me to my goal!!! I have placed the order for the bike/exercise machine, and I'm SO excited!! It will take 3-4 weeks to arrive. I hope to share pictures of me using it once I have it. I want to THANK each and every one of you who donated!! Without you, this would not be a possibility for me!! I am so very thankful for your generosity and support, and I look forward to seeing how this will affect my health and life in positive ways!! Thank you and God bless you!

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