Going Through Recovery.......I Need Financial Help!!!!

Going Through Recovery.......I Need Financial Help!!!!

From Michael Chism

I am in treatment for an addiction to alcohol. I am not working while I am in treatment but I still have the needs of my children to fund as well as a mortgage, car payment and household utilities. Thanks in advance!!!!

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I let life get to me and I slowly began drinking alcohol at an increased level and I came to the realization that I was hurting myself and my family. I made the decision to enter a detox program and after that I am currently in and intensive out patient program for alcohol addiction. I am not working at the moment because the program is during the day when I would normally be at work so I am not getting paid and my short term disability has not been approved. The bills are still coming in. So in advance I would like to thank you for your generosity and assistance!

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