Support the Powells in Columbus

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Support the Powells in Columbus

From Chris Powell

Join us in supporting EC, Lachen, Ashton and Stephen as they continue to fight for EC's healing in Columbus, Ohio at Nationwide Children's. Our prayers are for their family and for God's healing for EC's wound!

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Update #1

7 months ago

It is with great pleasure that we write today with Ellie Clark having been discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon! She has dramatically improved and progressed with her healing over the last 3-4 weeks, and her wound is healed and in great shape. The docs and nurses are extremely happy with her progress and delighted to send her home! They were able to share dinner out last night in Columbus before heading home (she literally ate the pork chop off the bone!)

Ashton and Ellie Clark flew home to Charlotte this morning and Stephen will be driving back later today. For the first time in 3 months, they'll all be at home, under one roof as a family again! God is good!

Thank for you all for supporting them on this trip. There are still many more trips to Columbus in the future for EC, but for now, they're headed home and will all be together!

More Info

The Powells are currently in Columbus, Ohio, as they support Ellie Clark and pray that her wound from a reconstructive surgery in May will start to heal.  As many of you know, EC was born with a GI malformation.  Ellie Clark has had a tough run over the last few years with 30+ surgeries requiring numerous hospital stays, 15+ trips to Ohio (and several trips to Atlanta) and is currently battling a wound from a reconstructive procedure in May that won't heal.  This has led to EC and the Powell family to be up in Columbus, Ohio at Nationwide Children's Hospital since late July for treatment and wound healing procedures.  Originally planned as a two to four week trip, they're going on week nine with no real end in sight.  We're raising money to support EC, Lachen, Ashton and Stephen as they continue to fight for healing for EC and their family.  Our prayers are for their family and for God's healing for EC's wound.

Taking you back to 2019, Ellie Clark was born with a GI malformation that presented symptoms and the diagnosis at around 6 weeks after she was born.  She underwent a procedure in Charlotte to put up her colostomy, and she had the malformation originally repaired by a surgeon at CHOA in Atlanta.  Following that repair, they attempted to close her ostomy in Charlotte and it went horribly wrong, and almost took her life.  She was hospitalized for 42 days.  Once she was stable and healing, the Powells returned home to prepare for the arrival of her baby sister, Lachen the following April.

Unfortunately, Lachen was also born with the same malformation and they started thinking that they needed to see someone more specialized.  When it came time to start discussing how they would repair and treat all of EC's wounds in mid 2021, and also where they would take Lachen for her repairs and procedures, they started seeking the opinion of an expert.  They received the name of Dr. Richard Wood of Nationwide Children's Hospital from one of the surgeons in Charlotte.  After their initial discussion with Dr. Wood on his recommended treatment plan, they felt as though they could not take the girls anywhere other than to Columbus to see Dr. Wood and the Center for Colorectal and Pelvic Reconstruction at Nationwide Children's.  That first call was a blessing from God and He showed them exactly where the girls should be cared for.  Dr Wood is one special gift!

Heading up for their first trip in October of 2021, Dr. Wood was able to repair most of EC's wounds from her complications from the attempted stoma closure and also put up Lachen's ostomy and repaired her malformation.  In December, there was an attempted stoma closure for EC, but unfortunately, her malformation returned and her ostomy had to be put back up.  After several trips back to Ohio throughout the first few months of 2022, it was determined that a more complex pelvic reconstruction was required to set EC up to fully put this behind her.  This procedure took place in late May of 2022 and she started on the healing process.  

Following a trip in September, it was determined that she needed more time to try to get the wound to heal, so they focused on her nutrition and getting her into an optimal wound healing state throughout the fall and winter.  As the new year rolled around, they met with her medical team in Ohio in January and determined that another more reconstruction would be required, and was scheduled for later in the year.  They also discussed what needed to take place to ensure she healed well, and a G-Tube was placed in March of 2023 in her stomach to allow for supplemental nutrition to aid in wound healing and increasing her health in general.  Once that healed and everything leveled, the larger reconstruction took place in late May, and she was on the mend and healing. 

In late June, EC started complaining of more pain in the affected region, and triggered a trip up to Ohio.  During that exam under anesthesia, it was determined that the wound hadn't healed properly, and they needed to plan to come back to Ohio for the placement of a wound vac on the two wound areas to get it to heal properly.  This would require a lengthy stay in Ohio, anticipating roughly 2-4 weeks.

That adventure started on July 21st with the placement of the wound vac.  Since then, she's had a procedure each Tuesday and Friday of every week for the wound vac change and some small surgical procedures each time.  She's endured an initial two week inpatient hospital stay, followed by a 2.5 weeks at a few Airbnbs around town with outpatient procedure visits, and was put back inpatient around 2.5 weeks ago and is currently at Nationwide Children's on bedrest where they can control her nutrition intake as well as her activity.  She had a NJ tube placed in her nose so they can control her exact nutritional intake to ensure she's in an optimal wound healing state.  They're monitoring her progress every day with procedures continuing twice a week for as long as it takes to heal properly.

Her medical team in Ohio is nothing short of amazing.  All of her surgeons, NPs, wound team, nurses and everyone else in the hospital are next level.  We know that they are exactly where they need to be as they help EC fight this wound, and have the perfect medical team of specialists who are unparalleled in the medical field.  They are a World-renowned group of individuals that have experience with these cases and are specifically trained to handle them while also ensuring the families are also supported throughout the journey.

EC is one heck of a fighter and is strong as ever!  We're praying for wound healing and guidance for your medical team!  We love you and your family and pray that the wound starts to heal!

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Chris Powell posted a new update:
7 months ago

Update #1

It is with great pleasure that we write today with Ellie Clark having been discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon! She has dramatically improved and progressed with her healing over the last 3-4 weeks, and her wound is healed and in great shape. The docs and nurses are extremely happy with her progress and delighted to send her home! They were able to share dinner out last night in Columbus before heading home (she literally ate the pork chop off the bone!)

Ashton and Ellie Clark flew home to Charlotte this morning and Stephen will be driving back later today. For the first time in 3 months, they'll all be at home, under one roof as a family again! God is good!

Thank for you all for supporting them on this trip. There are still many more trips to Columbus in the future for EC, but for now, they're headed home and will all be together!

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